Research Coordinator

Paola Caporossi


President of the Public Rating Agency (assessment of PAs, civic empowerment and participation), she also is director of Fondazione Etica (innovation of the public system, social impact innovation).

At international level, she collaborates with the World Bank, the Open Government Partnership, the European Foundation Centre.

In Italy she collaborates with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM –DARA). She also works with Anci (Italian Municipalities’ Association) and some Regions.

She got recognition by the Group of States against Corruption (European Council), by Confindustria (Italian Industry Association) and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (the national bank for Public Administrations). She taught at Eunomia (Advanced Training Center) and she worked for CNR (Italian National Research Council), CENSIS (Studies Center of Social Investments), the Mission of the Holy See at United Nations.

Graduated cum laude in Political Sciences at the University of Florence, she made post graduate studies at Rutgers University (USA) and at the Institut des Ètudes Politiques (France). She also was Visiting Scholar at Columbia University with Giovanni Sartori.
She writes for Corriere della Sera and Huffington Post. She published (selection):
P. Caporossi, Nè smart nè open, intanto città [Simply cities], Rubbettino Ed., 2018;
P. Caporossi, Come rendere efficienti e trasparenti le amministrazioni pubbliche [How to make PAs transparent and efficient], Rubbettino Ed., 2017;
P.Caporossi, From Corruption to Civic Participation, Fondazione Etica PA, 2017;
P.Caporossi, Il diritto dei cittadini a riusare spazi abbandonati [The citizens’ right to riuse abandoned spaces], Aa.Vv., 2016;
P. Caporossi (ed), La riforma dei partiti politici. Perchè conviene una legge sui partiti [The reform of political parties], P.Caporossi ed., 2013;
P. Caporossi and G. Gitti (eds), Il Federalismo che già c’è. La politica letta nei bilanci dei Comuni [Federalism. How local governments spend public money], Fondazione Etica PA, 2011.


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